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Monthly Reports, Performance Updates, and More


    We've been hard at work behind the scenes with updates and new releases every week.

    Monthly reports

    You'll now receive a report that summarizes your fundraising each month including total raised, their donor info, and any recurring donors who canceled. It's a relatively simple report for now, but we'll be iterating and improving this over time.

    You can manage recipients of email reports by going to Account > Emails.

    Performance updates

    We've made significant improvements in the load times of how quickly forms load in modals. Our goal is for all of these forms to load instantly, and we're making progress towards that goal.

    API development underway

    We're building an API for GiveForms, which means ultimately you'll be able to integrate GiveForms into any 3rd party platform including Mailchimp, Quickbooks, and more. We plan to offer all of these integrations with no additional fees.

    Is there an update or idea you'd like to see in GiveForms? Email us at hello@giveforms.com.  We read every email that comes through and truly value your feedback.

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